Read Luke 1-2

“And an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of incense.” Luke 1:11

So Zacharias turn had come to serve in the Temple and his lot was drawn to burn incense that day. We’re not told how often he had done this, either prior to this occasion, or during this period of Service, but “this” time would be unlike any other he had done. There are only a handful of people in the Bible that saw the Angel of the Lord. Today, we’re told, Zacharias would be one of them.

He is told several things; “Do not be afraid”, “your petition has been heard”, “your wife will bear you a son”, and, “give him the name John.” He would also say “You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth” and then go on to describe the Ministry of his son. How did he respond? “How will I know this for certain? For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years?” to which the Angel replies “behold, you shall be silent and unable to speak until the day when these things take place, because you did not believe my words”.

Hmm,…9 months of being unable to speak. Seems pretty severe for struggling with a Miracle Promise, right? Not really. Consider a few things: He was afraid. Granted, I don’t think he expected to see what he saw, but this “was” God’s House. He had been praying for this! Obviously he didn’t expect God to answer, but he did ask! As a Priest he would definitely know the history of Angelic Messengers and Miracles. In fact, several had occurred right where God did this Very Thing! Last, the God who knows the hearts of ALL knew He Should Have Believed!

May God use this in “our” lives and grow “our” Faith!

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